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Educational Outreach Programs

The charter of the Society states as its purpose, “to assist in the education of Americans to the great heritage of liberty and law exemplified by the founders of our country.” To that end, the Society funds three core educational opportunities: Educational Outreach, Compact Awards, and the Moore Essay Contest. 


Plimoth School Visits

Initiated in 1993, the Educational Outreach program was designed to bring the real story of the Mayflower Pilgrims to elementary and middle schoolers. The New York Society funds the bi-annual visits of museum-trained educators from Plimoth Patuxet Plantation, who make classroom presentations to New York City schools. The classroom experience for these second to fifth graders has been enriched by hands-on history lessons from visiting Plimoth Patuxet pilgrims. As the Plantation’s website states, “the museum educator shares a real person’s life story to frame the one-hour history program. Using reproduction artifacts to enhance the students’ experience, the educator describes the Pilgrim Story – from leaving England and the Mayflower’s journey to the first winter in New England and the 1621 harvest feast known today as the First Thanksgiving.”  Since its inception thirty years ago, nearly 40,000 students have been impacted by our Outreach Program!



The Outreach Program is best described by one of the Plimoth Patuxet instructors Malka Benjamin, “As a first-person historical interpreter, my job is to take on the identity of a real person who lived almost 400 years ago in order to create a fun and engaging portal for people to learn about history”. Ms. Benjamin is adept at portraying several female Pilgrims: Mary Brewster, who in 1627 was 17 years old, and Goodwife Constance Snow. For a full listing of possible educational programs available for classroom visits please visit the Plimoth Patuxet website.



Compact Awards 

For nearly 100 years, the New York Society has been presenting Compact Awards to high school students (juniors and seniors) who have excelled in the study of American History, with a strong understanding of the U.S. Constitution. The winners receive a $100 check, and a Mayflower Compact certificate inscribed with their name and the name of their school. Each public school chooses two recipients, private schools choose one; each year more than 125 awards are presented throughout New York State.

The Mayflower Compact


Margaret King Moore Essay Contest 

In 2004, the Margaret King Moore Essay Contest was established and funded by a generous contribution from her estate of Margaret Moore. High schools throughout New York State are invited annually to participate, with essays being submitted by their high school juniors or seniors. Previous topics have included “The Mayflower’s Importance Today” and “The Mayflower Pilgrim’s Contribution to Early American History”. The winner is awarded a certificate and a check for $1,620.

2024 marked the 20th anniversary of the Moore Essay Contest. The committee, comprised of five members of the Board of Assistants and the Executive Director, had a challenging time selecting this past year’s winner. Tony Zhou (Vestal High School, Georgia Institute of Technology) received a Letter of Commendation and an honorarium of $1,620.

To recognize a larger number of student applicants, the Board of Assistants has increased the number of possible winners by providing for five additional prizes of $200. With a broader reach of schools in both upstate and New York City, the Society hopes to expand this essential program. The 2025 Moore Essay question is: “The Mayflower is perhaps the most famous of the ships which carried pioneering settlers to the new worlds, but there were others: the Susan Constant. The Godspeed, the Discovery, the Ark and its companion the Dove, and the Arabella, to name just a few. In what ways was the voyage of the Mayflower different from those other voyages?”


Ryan Munger 2022 Scholarship Winner

2022 Recipient:
Ryan Munger
Seton Catholic Central Highschool


2021 Recipient:
Elise Mayer
Union-Endicott Highschool


Support the Educational Outreach Programs

Your contributions to the New York Mayflower Society help to fund scholarships for hundreds of students each year.

Please support our Educational Outreach Programs.


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