Determining Your Eligibility
The following are the Mayflower Pilgrims known to have left descendants.
Any person able to document his/her lineal descent from one or more of the following Mayflower passengers is eligible to apply for membership in the Society:
John Alden
Bartholomew Allerton
Isaac Allerton
Mary (Norris) Allerton
Mary Allerton
Remember Allerton
Elinor Billington
Francis Billington
John Billington
William Bradford
Love Brewster
Mary Brewster
William Brewster
Peter Browne
James Chilton
Mrs. James Chilton
Mary Chilton
Francis Cooke
John Cooke
Edward Doty
Francis Eaton
Samuel Eaton
Sarah Eaton
Moses Fletcher*
Edward Fuller
Mrs. Edward Fuller
Samuel Fuller
Samuel Fuller (son of Edward)
Constance Hopkins
Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins
Giles Hopkins
Stephen Hopkins
John Howland
Richard More
Priscilla Mullins
William Mullins
Degory Priest
Joseph Rogers
Thomas Rogers
Henry Samson
George Soule
Myles Standish
Elizabeth Tilley
John Tilley
Joan (Hurst Tilley)
Ricahrd Warren
Peregrine White
Resolved White
Susana White
William White
Edward Winslow
Moses Fletcher died the first winter; his family never came to Plymouth. All known descendants reside in The Netherlands.
Submitting a Synopsis
Fill-in the synopsis from the Mayflower passenger down through your own generation (including full names of spouses). We will review your submission and email our comments to you. Due to the volume of synopses we receive, please allow up to 2 weeks for a response. We process them in the order received.
***If you have more than one line, please choose one initial ancestor and submit only one synopsis. We process supplemental lines after your initial application has been approved.
**If you have a relative who is an approved member, you do not need to submit a synopsis. Please go directly the Preliminary Application form.
Preliminary Application
Supplemental Application
***If you have a relative who is an approved member, please note their relation to you and their GS and state # on the application form.
***If you are paying for more than 1 application by credit card, you must use different email addresses for each applicant. Only one email address can be used with each payment process.
Preliminary Application Form Pay with Credit Card
Preliminary Application Form Pay by Check
**Supplemental applications can only be submitted after your initial application has been approved. All Supplemental applications must be paid for by check only, not online. Please use the link below for mail in check form.
Supplemental Application Form Pay with Check
You will be sent a worksheet by a NY Historian which clearly notes copies of documentation that needs to be submitted. Also included will be an Instruction Sheet outlining what types of documentation are acceptable.
Submitting Final Documentation
When your file is complete, it will be sent to the GSMD to await review and final approval. This process usually takes about 12 to 16 weeks. Once the NY Historian receives notice of your approved application, you will receive a mailed certificate with your name, GS# & State #
Junior Membership Application
Once you become an approved member, you can sponsor a child for Junior Membership.
Junior Application Form Pay with Credit Card
Junior Application Form Mail with Check