Junior Application – Mail In

Membership Information for Children

If a Child is under age 18:

A member may propose for Junior Membership any person under the age of 18 years old who is propely related by blood line to any present or former member of the Society. Such a Junior candidate may be admitted without lineage papers to the Society upon approval of the Board of Assistants upon submission of a Junior membership form with a copy of their birth certificate. Such membership may continue until the age of 18 years.

All Junior applications must be acccompanied by copy of a birth certificate showing the names of both parents. If the applicant is a grandchild of the proposer, the birth certificates of both the applicant’s parents are also required

A fee of $100 must accompany this application.
Please note:

A Junior member does not automatically become a Regular member when they become 18. Lineage papers must be submitted for Regular membership.

LIFE Membership

May be applied for at any time with the submissions of the application and necessary documents which must be approved by both the General and New York Society. Please note that SOMD membership cannot be applied for if under age 18 unless the candidate is applying for Life Membership.

A fully tax-deductible LIFE membership fee of $3,000 must accompany this application. The sponsor may also choose to pay the Life fee in two equal installments in consecutive years.

Application for Junior Membership - Mail In

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I certify that she/he was born on
  • place
  • Father’s name and
  • Mother’s name
  • This candidate is eligible for Junior
    membership being the (Type of relationship)
  • By blood line from
  • Who is a member of The Society of
    Mayflower Descendants in the State of
  • State Number:
  • Any member may propose for Junior Membership any person under the age of 18 years old who is properly related by blood line to any present or former member of the Society. Such a Junior candidate may be admitted without lineage papers to the Society upon approval of the Board of Assistants. Such membership may continue until the age of 25 years. Between the ages of 18 and 25 or anytime thereafter, Junior Members may apply for Regular Membership at which time they must submit lineage papers.

    All Junior applications must be accompanied by copy of a birth certificate showing the names of both parents. If the applicant is a grandchild of the proposer, the birth certificates of both the applicant’s parents are also required.

    The Application Fee of $100 must be submitted with this form.

    Complete the form, print and mail to:

    The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of NY

    20 West 44th Street

    New York, NY 10036-6603

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.